GATEKEEPER is a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is enabling the creation of a platform that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, and elderly citizens and the communities they live in, in order to originate an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for the ageing populations.
GATEKEEPER will be embodied in an open source, European, standard-based, interoperable and secure framework available to all developers, for creating combined digital solutions for personalized early detection and interventions. The project will demonstrate its value by scaling up, during a 42-months work plan, towards the deployment of solutions that will involve ca 40.000 elderly citizens, supply and demand side (authorities, institutions, companies, associations, academies) in 8 regional communities, from 7 EU member states.
The achievement of the overall objective, the creation of the platform, is supported by the following specific objectives:
The consortium consists of 43 partners from 7 countries covering the different area of experience:
The full list of partners is available here.
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
Connected Health Alliance CIC, NISP Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Queen’s Island, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT3 9DT
ECHAlliance CLG, 20 Harcourt Street Dublin, D02H364, Ireland