In the end of June 2019 in Udine, EDEN partners have met for the 2nd Consortium Meeting. The aim of the meeting was to present the status of the project and to the discuss about the next steps.
They have been two fruitful days in which the partners worked together, particularly focussing on how to better boost the collaboration among carers, civil society and healthcare professionals.

During the first day, the project partners from the University of Udine and ECHAlliance showed the results of the desk research and the preliminary analysis of the carers needs. They presented the state of the art of the existing knowledge about the services, organisations and approaches to dementia’s care in different territories, giving specific attention to the needs of carers, local exemplary practices, and the mechanisms that facilitate the relationship between formal and informal care givers.
During the second day co-creation working groups have been dedicated to the definition of attractive tools to be used to properly improve the collaboration among the EDEN’s three target groups.

During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to visit the CSAF – Simulation Center and High Education of Udine University a modern and well-equipped simulation laboratory used for skill training, guidance, and simulation.
During the visit partners have been showed how nursing students are trained to manage challenges they face in working life and secure the best possible care for patients using technological tools to re-create real life situation through simulations and meaningful scenarios setting.

About EDEN
The EDEN project is motivated by the increasing number of people living with dementia in the EU, and the need to have a common approach in Europe towards this important societal challenge. With an aging population and the risk of developing dementia increasing with a age, a significant rise in the number of elderly people with dementia is expected in the coming decades.
The project aims to increase the demand and take-up through effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies in that we take a broader perspective which include both professional caregivers, relatives and civil society and the interaction in the handling of dementia, which is the reason that the EDEN project is developed within the priority of adult education. Through this more holistic approach, EDEN will address the handling of dementia as fundamentally a cooperation between professional care providers, relatives and civil society in order to facilitate a better quality of life for the person living with dementia and relatives alike.
Concretely EDEN will develop an APP with information and training material for relatives and health professionals as well as a concept for “community collaboration”, which ensures that dementia will be seen more as a challenge for the community and not only for the individual, with the goal to create better care and social inclusion.
The project was launched in November 2018 in a meeting that took place in Brussels and counted with the participation of all the Consortium, integrated by University College Lillebaelt (UCL), Southern Denmark European Office (SDEO), Stichting Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands (HANNN), Università degli Studi di Udine, Fundación instituto Gerontológico Matia (INGEMA), European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance).
For all the updates related to EDEN Project you can check the website or follow the official project hashtag #EmbracingDEmeNtia