Founded in 2016, Italian-based start-up company Fisiolink aims to provide freelance healthcare professionals and small studios in the Italian market with a secure and user-friendly telehealth tool, allowing them to enhance the care offering for their patients.

After the initial development of its in-house solution, Fisiolink chose the partnership with Wellola in order to deliver a secure, fully tested and reliable solution to its Italian customer base.
reported Alessandro Florio, co-founder of Fisiolink.
Italy has seen record numbers of Covid cases, totalling 2.6 million to date. In 2020 Fisiolink were included in ReStartUp, a database of start-ups that offer solutions and services designed to support care providers in handling the Covid Emergency and the reboot phase.
For 2021 Fisiolink is targeting healthcare professionals, particularly in the North Eastern aspect of Italy, close to the regions hardest hit by COVID 19; the functions that are of most interest to their clients being the online booking and telehealth functions.

Wellola is one of Europe’s leading patient facing platform providers and offers video consultations, personal healthrecords, online assessments, appointments bookings and secure messaging. More than 750 health organisations in Ireland and the UK are now using Wellola.
The Wellola system offers high levels of security and aims to remove structural barriers to care via its secure GDPR-compliant patient communication portal.
Sonia Neary, Wellola CEO, added:
We are proud to have partnered with Fisiolink, who we have been fortunate enough to engage with through the European Institute of Technology and Innovation; supporting them to expand and offer their customers the vital tools and support required for care delivery during these difficult times.
For further information contact:
Sonia Neary
Tel: +44 20 396 616 98