As we almost come to the end of the French EU Presidency, we are pleased to welcome the Future4Care Paris Ecosystem. Read the interesting interview with Jeanne Tieu-Benichou, Director of the Institute at Future4Care.
Who are the key stakeholders?
Our key stakeholders are digital health start-ups, academics (universities, schools…), healthcare providers (public and private), 500 experts including from founders and partners, a network of investors, patient associations & living labs, matured starts-ups or scale-ups, 4 founders and 15-20 industry partners.
What are the main objectives of your ecosystems?
We are aiming at supporting European start-ups to succeed in their go-to-market then scale-up key milestones and the industrialization of their own process.
We also want to promote collaboration between digital and healthcare culture and contribute to structure the abundant growing market of health data.
Why did you join the ECHAlliance Network of Ecosystems?
Instead of working sequentially, our offer to our partners like you, is systemic and connects the disciplines of digital, human and medical sciences. It’s even multi-universe: through the Institute, Future4Care brings together people who don’t usually work together. We help actors in digital health to shape a vision and strategy with researchers, thinkers, entrepreneurs and industrialists.
Who is missing from your ecosystem in terms of stakeholders?
We are interested in having stakeholders also at an international level, thus we are missing scientists, start-ups and partnerships from abroad.
Which ecosystems are you looking to collaborate with?
For now we are looking to collaborate with all European actors.