The CCMIJU Foundation has been awarded a PPI grant co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of the Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España (POPE) 2014-2020 and by the Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Digital of Junta de Extremadura.
During its execution (2020-2023), two platforms will be developed: one for laparoscopic surgery and another for microsurgery. These two platforms aim to provide new equipment and technology available to the National Health System and Extremadura Health System to allow for improvements in the quality of services provided to patients and surgical results. Through these means, greater efficiency of health systems is possible.
The CCMIJU Foundation, awarded with a PPI grant co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of the Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España (POPE) 2014-2020 and by the Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Digital of Junta de Extremadura, will invest more than €7M in the development of innovative solutions in surgical robotics that will improve existing systems in the laparoscopic surgery and microsurgery field.
TREMIRS (Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Systems) is led by Dr. Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo as IP and Scientific Director of the Foundation and by Dr. Juan A. Sánchez Margallo as Project Manager. During its execution (2020-2023), two platforms will be developed, one for laparoscopic surgery and another for microsurgery. The first focuses on facilitating new surgical approaches, improvements in surgeon ergonomics, advances in vision systems, and new wearables. The microsurgery platform will develop new robotic micro-instruments for the manipulation of soft tissues and the performance of techniques such as anastomosis, suture and ligation in small anatomical structures including blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic ducts.
These two platforms are supposed to ease new equipment and technology available to the National Health System and the Extremadura Health System that will allow the improvement of the quality of services provided to patients, improvements in surgical results and, therefore, greater efficiency of health systems.
TREMIRS is supported by a Technical Management Office that co-operates in the assessment of the responses received to the Preliminary Market Consultation, eleven proposals submitted for Challenge 1 (Laparoscopy Platform) and three submitted to Challenge 2 (Microsurgery Platform). Spanish, American, Italian and British entities have shown interest, with their contributions a closing report will be drawn up to continue with the ongoing PPI.
The CCMIJU Foundation is part of the Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) called NANBIOSIS devoted to research, training and innovation in health, offering preclinical and medical device testing services to biotech companies. Likewise, it is affiliated to the University of Extremadura and offers several official postgraduate training programs. It is also part of the Center for Biomedical Research in Cardiovascular Diseases (CIBER-CV), dependent on the Ministry of Health, as well as other National and European platforms.