Oulu region with its OuluHealth Ecosystem, and one of the three pilot regions in the inDemand Consortium, held its in Demand virtual Final Event (video in Finnish) on September 23rd, 2020.
The Regional Players (Oulu Region Council/Funder, Oulu University Hospital/Challenger, BusinessOulu/Supporter, University of Oulu, and Solver companies) now share 8 practical and useful experiences for executing this innovative model for improving patient care and cost-effectiveness of future healthcare delivery:
1 inDemand project and model has contributed to the practical implementation of public sector innovation activities.
2 The role of management in enabling operations is central. The management can utilize innovation activity as a tool to support healthcare management: the development needs that arise in day-to-day operations are presented by staff and stakeholders. This information supports management’s awareness of the state of operations and can ultimately lead to improved decision-making.
3 Important elements in a culture that supports innovation are inclusion and equality, openness and interactivity, the ability to learn and the ability to share knowledge.
4 Make sure that all key players (e.g. healthcare professionals, IT department, purchasing, including innovation and project personnel) are allocated with adequate resources needed for the development of the new digital solutions.
5 Healthcare professionals remarked that something can be done about issues/problems when the need arises from everyday life. Discussing and exchanging ideas with developing partners is rewarding!
6 Companies must receive adequate information on, for example, hospital regulations with a view to the safe use of medical devices and patient safety. This saves product development time.
7 Companies want to build a strong business case during co-development with a healthcare organisation (e.g. hospital, clinic). References are important for companies, and thus healthcare organisations can play an important role in, for example, announcing a new co-created solution.
8 Co-creation – based on needs – is becoming a key development tool in regional development and will be one of the focus themes in Horizon Europe Programme and the structural funds from 2020 on.
‘inDemand gave Oulu Region an excellent means to boost 5G/6G enabled digital transformation in healthcare and be in the front seat in setting the rules and standards for successful demand-driven co-creation in the healthcare industry together with the inspiring international Consortium. Our digital health companies appreciate the systematic co-development process that includes both technical and business development as well as economic support from the regional Funder,’ commented Juha Ala-Mursula, Director of Economic Development at the city of Oulu, BusinessOulu.
‘The inDemand model has contributed to the practical implementation of public sector innovation activities,’ concluded Heini Malm, inDemand partner from BusinessOulu.