
The use of innovation to improve the social health and care sector

Published on: 16/04/2024

The use of innovation to improve the social health and care sector

On April 9th, the online presentation day of the AEI 2023 Project took place; conference organized by the Cluster of Innovative Solutions for Independent Living (SIVI). During the day, four of the six projects awarded to the SIVI Cluster were presented: PLAISENS, SILVERFIT, I-SOLATION, SSAT

Ecosystems, Social Care

Sensorization and AI technologies for the detection and evaluation of postural alterations and motor disability

PLAISENS (Sensorized Intelligent Platform) has investigated the application of 4.0 technologies to develop a sensorized platform with the implementation of AI for the early diagnosis and evaluation and monitoring of patients, especially babies in the first year of life – on the one hand – and of the population children and adolescents – on the other hand – and who suffer from motor disabilities and/or postural alterations. Among other population groups, people with cerebral palsy and related encephalopathies are represented, explained Elena Martín from Aspace Salamanca.

Furthermore, PLAISENS investigates the creation of a reliable tool that evaluates the effectiveness and effect of specific therapeutic actions at specific times, based on increasing the symmetries in the supports to improve the patients’ situation.

For his part, Gustavo García from Centro Stirling has stated that in the future the aim is to manufacture devices in a simple and low-cost manner with the application of technologies based on capacitive and resistive sensors, which will be printed using electronic printing technologies. All of this with the aim that these devices can be deployed in social and healthcare environments.

Finally, this tool is present to support professionals in evaluating the effects of therapies on the patient. To do this, the implementation of a data comparison system will be analyzed using various tools (big data, machine learning, neural networks…) generating the algorithms that allow the desired services to be provided and that in the future make the implementation of AI possible.

The Cluster Innovative Solutions for Independent Living (SIVI) coordinates this project, which has the participation of our partners ASPACE SalamancaCentro StirlingHospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid y Ortopedia CETEO, as well as the Clúster Functional Print Cluster and the company NUFESA Electronics.

Research into new technological solutions based on the integration between the tourism and socio-health sectors against unwanted loneliness

I-solation is an innovative and pioneering research project at a national level that seeks to combat and early detect unwanted loneliness in elderly people, in order to offer personalized solutions to an increasingly large group of the population, based in artificial intelligence, which fight against unwanted loneliness and help prevent it.

The objective is to be able to treat people who suffer from this reality in a personalized way, with the collaboration of sectors such as health and socio-health tourism, and with the involvement of family members and caregivers, explained Alberto Nozal from the Aragón Health Cluster. (ARAHEALTH).

To achieve this goal, new functionalities of the “Amaia App” application, from the company Futuro and Vida Silver, will be analyzed, which will serve to evaluate the emotional and cognitive state of people in solitude, anticipating the identification of psychological problems.

Alberto Villanueva, CEO of Futuro and Vida Silver, highlighted that the application allows you to share photos, videos and text messages in an easy and simple way, and to create interactive videos aimed at the elderly so that they can view them without technological barriers.

Thanks to this application, family bonding is facilitated and the quality of life of seniors is improved.

In addition, it has a digital solution to facilitate the work of professionals in residences and other care services for the elderly based on Person-Centered Care (PCA) that facilitates the personalization of care.

The Innovative Solutions for Independent Living Cluster (SIVI) participates in this project, which is coordinated by the Clúster de la Salud de Aragón (Arahealth) and has the participation of our partners Fundación Personas y Fundación Santa María la Real, as well as the Universidad San Jorge and the companies Ariño Hotel Balneario y Futuro y Vida Silver.


Industrial research for the development of a home service aimed at promoting universal active aging

The SILVERFIT project is investigating a prototype of a portable machine to exercise muscle strength that allows regulated strength exercises to be done at home for people with dependency or mobility problems who need to improve their level of strength and help maintain their general physical condition. The physical part will be reinforced with software to complement exercises, test them and correct them if necessary.

To this end, research has been carried out from an industrial point of view with a view to future commercialization and the potential for the application of digital technologies applied to marketing processes of habitat products and, specifically, for certain groups with greater vulnerability. Progress has been made towards the development of prototypes and testing of the proposed solution, with the aim of, where appropriate, moving forward, in future phases, towards commercialization, explained Asier Esnal, from the company Dhemen Design.

Miguel Roces, from the company UPintelligence, has highlighted that the project has tried to enhance the internationalization of companies and its impact through network-based technologies that can be used remotely and asynchronously from any place with an internet connection and accelerate digital transformation in companies by enhancing technology applied to market development, segmentation, diversification and personalization, creating more attractive marketing tools and gamifying selection and configuration processes, thus increasing the impact and visibility in value-added markets of the interior design and architecture product prescription.

For her part, Inmaculada González from the company Sumando Vida, highlighted that the prototype obtained has managed to promote people’s autonomy by combining physical tools with software supported by Artificial Intelligence.

The Cluster Innovative Solutions for Independent Living (SIVI) participates in this project, which is coordinated by the Asociación Cluster Del Sector Del Habitat, Madera, Oficina y Contract (HABIC), and has the participation of our partner Sumando Más Vida en Valladolid y UP INTELLIGENCE S.L. and the company DHEMEN DESIGN SL


Technological solution that allows users and professionals to control parameters about their fatigue and recovery status

The SMART SPORT ANALYTICS TOILET (SSAT) project set the objective of developing a new value proposition that allows users and professionals to control parameters regarding their state of fatigue, recovery and risk of injury without modifying their daily habit: going to the bathroom.

In this way, it is intended to convert the traditional bathrooms of a sports facility into new intelligent monitoring stations without effort for the user through an immediate urine analysis to reduce the risk of suffering an injury and prescribe exercise in a more appropriate way. as explained by Jordi Ferré, from the Kamleon company

A biosensor technological platform patented at the end of 2022 has been used consisting of optical sensors that have the capacity to analyze aspects such as hematuria, proteinuria or urea in urine. These properties of urine are directly associated with markers of possible risks of suffering excessive fatigue and inducing injuries derived from neuromuscular stress or muscle damage, among others.

In addition, the optical system will also allow adding to the value proposition a system that will optimize the flushing of toilets based on the amount of urine urinated by the user, saving more than 65% of water in daily use of the bathroom and reducing thus costs for installation.

The SSAT project offers an innovative solution to sports and physical activity centers to promote intelligent and customizable physical activity, extremely user-friendly, in addition to promoting more sustainable facilities.

In the future, it is expected to be able to scale to the more than 79,000 physical activity and sports facilities that exist in Spain alone.

The Cluster Innovative Solutions for Independent Living (SIVI) participates in this project, which is coordinated by the Associació Catalana Clúster De La Indústria De L´Esport (INDESCAT), and the companies JUNGLE VENTURES SLASSOCIACIÓ ESPORTIVA CENTRAL y DYNATECH 2012 SCP.


From the SIVI Cluster we have confirmed the priority of intercluster projects in the call (all those that have been granted to us), where we are in collaboration with the Mental Health Cluster of Catalonia (CSMC), the Aragon Health Cluster (Arahealth) , the Navarra Functional Print Cluster (Functional Print Cluster), the Basque Country Equipment, Furniture and Design Cluster (HABIC Cluster) and the INDESCAT (Catalan Sports Cluster).

We must highlight the strengthening of network activity and intercluster collaboration, not only in the field of health and care, but also expanding to other sectors of interest that allow us to carry out hybrid and enriching proposals for our ecosystem.


Projects financed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, through the Call for Innovative Business Groups of the year 2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.



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