A prize for the health organization that has the best plans to use and promote the FHIR International Patient Summary (IPS).
The Trillium II Prize will be awarded to the health organisation that, in the opinion of the panel of judges, has the best proposal to use, integrate and promote the HL7 FHIR International Patient Summary (IPS) for medical information exchange.

We are especially keen for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and not-for-profits to apply, although any organisation, other than members of the Trillium II consortium, can enter the competition. Partnerships may enter, though only if one organisation in the partnership accepts lead role.
What is FHIR IPS?
An International patient summary (IPS) is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information intended for use in the unscheduled, cross-border (cross-jurisdiction) care scenario, comprising at least the required elements of the IPS dataset. The IPS dataset is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary dataset, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient.
Trillium II | https://trillium2.eu/ | builds on European Commission recommendations on the Transformation of Health and Care[1], the EU-US Roadmap on eHealth Interoperability[2], and the recent EHRxF[3] to put the IPS standards at the core of a global community of practice for digital health innovation. Trillium II bridges the gap between strategic intent and the capability to deliver interoperability at a global scale to advance patient safety and trust in digital health.
The Prize
The competition will close on 1st May 2019 and the winners will be announced at an appropriate event in Europe a month thereafter. Furthermore, in addition to the promotional benefits from winning the prize, there will be a cash award of €1,000.
All the key documents relevant to the IPS that have been finalised to date are available for download.
A judging panel composed of international experts will select the winners:
- Kathi Apostolidis, President – Hellenic Cancer Federation-ELL.O.K.
- Elaine Blechman, CEO, Prosocial Applications, Inc. & Prof Emerita, Univ. of Colorado
- Christopher Chute, Chief Research Information Officer for Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Gora Data, Group Chairman, CAL2CAL Corporation
- Marc Lange, Secretary General, European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL)
- Dee O’Sullivan, Director, myhealthapps.net at PatientView
- Mike Short, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for International Trade, UK
- Jeremy Thorp, Past Director of Business Architecture, NHS UK
- Patricia Van Dyke, Past Chair HL7 International
Depending on the level of interest in the prize, a subcommittee of Trillium partners Alexander Berler, Catherine Chronaki, Charles Lowe and Janne Rasmussen may select a shortlist of entries for the above to judge.
Shortlist selection will be based on the following award criteria:
- Ease of interface to EHRs/PHRs (input and output)
- Number and type of patients/persons with an IPS generated
- Ease of access by patients while abroad or across jurisdiction
- Options for download, redistribution, sharing, directing
- Expected benefit realisation and anticipated future impact
- Level of promotional activity of the IPS by the entrant.
Registration and application details
All candidates are required to send a registration request to MedCom (Lene Taustrup, lta@medcom.dk) in order to ensure that they have immediate access to the online registration form and all the updates to the definition of the IPS, and other relevant data that are produced during the competition period, so that they are working from a level playing field. Entries should be in English only.
Successful submissions provide the information below in clearly identified sections:
- Applicant details – name, organisation, address including country, other contact details, organisation type, ultimate organisation owner/s.
- Organisational role – How does your organisation plans to use the IPS to improve international healthcare delivery? Who do you work with to deliver the IPS (if any other organisation(s). Max 300 words
- IPS implementation details – How do you propose to put the IPS to use? What type of health and care services do you plan to use it in? What are the specifics of the application? Max 300 words.
- Coverage & impact – How many people/patients will the IPS reach? What impact is the IPS likely to have on people and on their healthcare system(s)? – please provide justifications for the numbers you give of people affected, benefit received and improved patient outcomes, including how you verify the results. Max 300 words.
- The future – When extrapolating into the future what benefits use of the IPS will deliver? How do you propose to ensure that as many people as possible are aware of the benefits the IPS delivers? – please give a rationale and explanation for your projection so the judges can decide how likely it is to happen. Max 300 words
For additional information please contact Charles Lowe at charles.lowe@dhaca.org.uk or Janne Rasmussen at jar@medcom.dk and follow the official hashtag #TrilliiumIIPrize.
[1] https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/policies/ehealth
[2] https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/eu-and-us-strengthen-their-collaboration-ehealth-it
[3] https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/european-commission-adopts-recommendation-european-electronic-health-record-exchange-format