Each year the ALLIANCE host the Self Management Awards which celebrate examples of good practice and promote a range of innovative self management activity happening across Scotland.
The Awards create an opportunity:
- To promote self management activity across Scotland.
- For people and organisations championing self management to spread their learning and promote their work.
- To provide learning of self management approaches across Scotland that can help feed into the development and delivery of services.
- For people and organisations to be recognised for their work around self management.
This year there are seven unique categories to submit a nomination to:
1.Self Management Project of the Year
This award will be open to the public for voting once judges have finalised the shortlist.
This award aims to highlight the success of a project and demonstrate the difference projects are making to improve people’s lives and building the capacity of self management in Scotland. If your project has made an impact to individuals, groups or communities then this is a great way to have it recognised and celebrated alongside the people who made it happen. This award will also recognise projects working in partnership.
2. Self Management Resource of the Year
This award recognises the resources (on and offline) which add value to the lives of individuals, enable staff working in health and social care to deliver services more effectively and provide invaluable information, support and advice on self management.
3. Self Management Champion of the Year
This award will celebrate people who are helping encourage and inspire others to self manage and spread the self management message. Who do you know that encourages individuals to embrace self management? Who has championed ideas that add value to your work or life and encouraged self management? This award is open to everyone including staff working in health and social care, third sector, volunteers and community members.
4. Individual Transformational Story of the Year
In partnership with Humans of Scotland, this award recognises an exceptional person who has made positive change to their life by taking a self management approach and living their life better, on their terms.
Can you, or the individual you are nominating, demonstrate the transformation that has resulted from using self management? This award is open to everyone.
5. Digital Innovator Self Management Award
In Partnership with ‘Discover Digital’, Scotland’s first public-facing initiative to discuss how technology can help us live better and healthier.
This award is for individuals or organisations who have found innovative ways of helping people self manage using digital technology. The innovation element can be associated with finding new ways of working digitally, reaching out to new audiences through digital media or the use of new technology for self management.
6. Employability Self Management Award
This award is sponsored by the Scottish Union of Supported Employment (SUSE) (this link will take you away from our website).
It is an opportunity to celebrate the values of self management within employability, showcasing how it contributes to furthering employment aspirations of disabled people, people living with long term conditions and unpaid carers. Effective self management allows an individual to become an active participant in achieving their employability goals, and this award would like to celebrate the successes of this whether it be in the form of an individual’s journey, project design, effective service delivery or an innovative approach to delivering supported employment.
This award is open to individuals, employers, employment service providers and stakeholders.
7. Self Management in the Community Award
Self management is about working in partnership with services that can support individuals to be in the driving seat and have a meaningful role in decisions affecting them. This award is an opportunity to highlight projects, local communities or individuals who have worked together to create improvements or enhancements that support people to live well within their community.
This could be initiatives or activities that encourage community empowerment, grow community capacity or have encouraged local communities to adopt self management approaches.
This award is open to individuals, public libraries, local groups, organisations, projects and people working across health, social care and the third sector.
Nomination forms can be downloaded below and returned to smw@alliance-scotland.org.uk.
If you need any support completing your nomination form please contact a member of the Self Management team.
Closing date to submit nominations to the Self Management Awards is Friday 24th July at 12pm
Self Management Award winners will be announced during Self Management Week 2020, 28th September – 2nd October.
Click here to continue reading Self Management Awards 2020 Nomination Form
Self Management Awards Nomination Form Download
Self Management Award Categories Brief Download
Article Source: https://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/self-management-and-co-production-hub/self-management-awards-2020/