
The Miguel Delibes Cultural Center has been the epicenter of the Sectoral Meeting on Care and Innovation that commemorates the 10th Anniversary of the SIVI Cluster

Published on: 16/04/2024

The Miguel Delibes Cultural Center has been the epicenter of the Sectoral Meeting on Care and Innovation that commemorates the 10th Anniversary of the SIVI Cluster

This conference, organized by the SIVI Cluster, was presented as a space for reflection, exchange and recognition of the advances and outstanding contributions in this vital sector for society. The main objective was to commemorate a decade of innovation, commitment and advances in the field of care. This event has represented a unique opportunity to bring together professionals, experts, opinion leaders and key collaborators in a space for reflection, exchange of knowledge and recognition of the achievements achieved.


The SIVI Cluster (Innovative Solutions for Independent Living) has organized a Care Sector Meeting, on the occasion of its 10th Anniversary.

On Friday, April 12, the Miguel Delibes Auditorium in Valladolid witnessed a milestone in the field of care and innovation with the celebration of a Care Sector Meeting, on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the SIVI Cluster (Solutions Cluster). Innovative for Independent Living).

This conference, organized by the SIVI Cluster, was presented as a space for reflection, exchange and recognition of the advances and outstanding contributions in this vital sector for society.

The main objective was to commemorate a decade of innovation, commitment and advances in the field of care. This event has represented a unique opportunity to bring together professionals, experts, opinion leaders and key collaborators in a space for reflection, exchange of knowledge and recognition of the achievements achieved.

The welcome of the Meeting was given by Pablo Gómez, president of the SIVI cluster, who made it clear that technology does not replace people, but that it complements them and helps to humanize social and health care, improving their quality of life and promoting the much-needed independence. . All in a world that moves faster and faster, so much so that it forces us to adapt at a dizzying pace to close the digital gap that affects, above all, the elderly and dependent people.

The opening of the Meeting was officiated by Carlos Martín Tobalina, Vice-Minister of Economy of the Junta de Castilla y León, who began an exciting day full of opportunities to celebrate, reflect and collaborate in pursuit of a more promising future in the care of the health and well-being of people.

The Meeting had the outstanding participation of Andrés Pazos, Country Manager of Alexa (Amazon Spain), who offered an inspirational talk on the role of technology in improving the quality of life and care for people. Her presence gave us an innovative and disruptive vision of the future of care and assistance, seeing how Alexa is part of the services of SIVI cluster partners, such as the Red Cross or the ONCE Foundation, offering support for people’s autonomy.

Montse Fernández, Manager of the SIVI Cluster, presented the 2024-27 Strategic Plan of the Cluster, which contemplates the professionalization of the sector through training to generate a Sivi hub, increase the options to obtain own resources that avoid dependence on subsidies and funds. public and provide technical assistance services. In addition, it aims to increase the volume of billing in activities to raise public funds and support and technical advice in the presentation of projects.

Among her objectives is also to strengthen her team, define a management system or the development of support infrastructure; improving the satisfaction and involvement of current members and increasing their number; raise the visibility and representativeness of the cluster; and promote innovation in order to boost competitiveness and knowledge transfer.

One of the highlights of the day was the presentation of awards to key figures who have contributed significantly to the advancement and representation of the care sector at a national and international level. The winners were:

Antonio Novo Guerrero, president of the European Cluster Alliance (ECA), recognized for his work representing the importance of clusters at the European level, thus strengthening collaboration and exchange of knowledge on the continent.

John Farrell, Director of the European Active and Healthy Aging Innovation Reference Site Collaboration Network (RSCN AHA), noted for his work as a facilitator in health and care service delivery strategies, policies and models in the European Union , thus promoting continuous improvement in the sector.

Mª. Jesús García Martín, Deputy Director General of Industry Digitalization and Collaborative Environments of the Ministry of Industry, recognized for her pioneering work in promoting digital transformation and innovation in the care industry, thus contributing to the development of technological solutions toe caps.

One of the most emotional moments of the gala was the presentation of the recognition to Mª Isabel Blanco Llamas, Minister of Family and Equal Opportunities of the Government of Castilla y León, who was distinguished for her tireless work in promoting the consolidation of the SIVI Cluster. as a regional benchmark for innovation in the care sector, as well as for its commitment to promoting equal opportunities and the well-being of society.

The Minister of Family and Equal Opportunities, Isabel Blanco, has congratulated the SIVI Cluster for the achievements obtained in its ten years of life, and has highlighted the collaboration between the Board and the entity, which is not only a strategic commitment of the regional Executive, but a reality that has been yielding important results. The head of Family has pointed out that the public-private collaboration formula contributes crucially to the modernization of the Social Services of Castilla y León, a commitment from the president of the Board, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, who has stated on several occasions that the Technological innovation is the engine of transformative change in the Community, which affects, in a concrete and direct way, care for people.

Isabel Blanco has stressed that, during the last decade, the regional government and the Cluster have achieved important achievements through their close and uninterrupted collaboration. On the one hand, applying technology to care, through the search for new alternatives in care and the optimization of existing processes in the healthcare field, especially in the field of dependency and active aging. On the other hand, promoting innovation in Social Services, a key action when establishing alliances between the Public Administration, the Castilian and Leonese business fabric, universities, technology centers and the Third Sector to promote the economic and social development of the Community and generate new business and employment opportunities.


Isabel Blanco ended the event with the announcement that in 2025 the II International Fair of Innovation and Technology at the Service of Care – Fitecu – will take place in the same province, Zamora. Villardeciervos was the town that hosted the first edition of this biennial meeting in 2023. Following this lead, next year’s event will feature a prestigious team of national and international experts and will showcase the latest advances based on social technological innovation aimed at care. As the counselor pointed out, the place chosen for the development of the exhibition is the ideal one, since the creation of the Technological Innovation Center –Hub– ‘La Aldehuela’, in Zamora, which constitutes a great example of confluence between innovative companies , universities, third sector and Administration, is generating a groundbreaking ecosystem in order to configure technological solutions that make life easier for the elderly, dependents and people with disabilities.

During the Networking Cocktail, an exhibition of innovative technological solutions applied to the care sector developed by Cluster partners took place, such as:

  • UPintelligence
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León (ITCL)
  • Centro Tecnológico Cartif
  • Fundación INTRAS
  • Teknomechanics Engineering
  • Enclave Formación
  • Universidad de Valladolid
  • Impulsame
  • Air Institute
  • Cruz Roja Autonómica Castilla y León

This space gave attendees the unique opportunity to witness first-hand how technology is transforming and improving people’s care and well-being. From smart devices to mobile applications and digital platforms, the solutions presented represented the latest in technological innovation designed specifically for the care field.

Participants had the opportunity to interact with the developers and experts behind these solutions, explore their features and functionalities, and understand how they can be applied in various healthcare and personal care contexts.

This exhibition underlines the commitment of the SIVI Cluster and its collaborators in driving innovation and promoting access to cutting-edge technological solutions in the care sector. It is a testament to our dedication to continually improve people’s quality of life through technology and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The Care Sector Meeting – 10th Anniversary SIVI Cluster was an enriching and inspiring event, where the community dedicated to care was able to celebrate their achievements and share perspectives to continue advancing in improving people’s quality of life.

For more information about the event and the SIVI Cluster, you can visit its official website:


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