- With the aim of sharing the work carried out with the maximum number of international institutions and organisms, the Catalan Health System makes available to the international community STOP COVID19 CAT, a digital health platform composed of an app and a chatbot.
- It’s an open source tool to help curb the expansion of Cov-2 SARS globally. Available on iOS, Android and web.
- The website www.stopcovid19.cat, available in 3 languages initially (Spanish, English and French), contains the detailed functional information of the platform, direct links to the chatbot and download links to the iOS and Android markets, as well as a section with answers to frequently asked questions.
With the evolution of the current pandemic, citizens have doubts such as: Do I have coronavirus symptoms? Have I had contact with someone diagnosed with COVID 19?
STOP COVID19 CAT allows you to monitor and monitor your symptoms through the application. The user can control the evolution of the symptoms and follow the directions and tips in each situation.
Citizens can perform their symptomatic test through a test that is accessed by registering with the Personal Identification Code (CIP) of the health card. This authentication and proof of possible diagnosis is linked to the user’s Digital Clinical History, an aspect that allows healthcare professionals to carry out personalized care monitoring and consider other relevant patient clinical data. In case of a positive diagnosis, the person receives advice and protocols of action from healthcare professionals.
The STOP COVID 19 application has different functionalities of high utility for the health authorities and the citizenship, because it allows:
- Promote and enhance voluntary confinement.
- Decongestant face-to-face care services.
- Disassemble the contact telephone number for other medical emergencies.
- Provide truthful and reliable information to citizens.
- Provides remote health care and advice.
- Monitor and evaluate the symptoms of self-assessed citizens by means of the test and activate the Medical Emergency Service.
Whenever the user gives their consent, the health authorities can also track the evolution of Cov-2 SARS by geolocation. This facilitates focused and real-time decision-making by competent authorities, providing data on the territory based on active users.