The European Assistance For Innovation Procurement (eafip) is helping public procurers that want to receive free of charge local assistance in preparing and implementing its next innovation procurement.
Free of charge assistance to implement your innovation procurement
Application deadline 31May 2020
The European Assistance for Innovation Procurement is helping public procurers that want to receive free of charge local assistance in preparing and implementing its next innovation procurement.
eafip provides local assistance to selected public procurers in the preparation and implementation of a PCP or PPI procurement, covering:
- Scoping an identified procurement need that can be tackled with innovative solutions
- Preparing and conducting an EU wide published open market consultation
- Drafting tendering documents
- Launching an EU wide published call for tender
- Answering questions from potential tenderers at any time during the process
- Signature of contracts with selected vendor(s), taking into account the relevant provisions under European and national legislation governing public procurement.
All public procurers from EU member states are eligible to apply for assistance.