Patient in Focus is required to find 300 new members/supporting members and receive at least 100 donations. To make this happen, Patient in Focus asks that you support them in making a difference for all patients.
Our member, Patient in Focus is an international, nonprofit patient organization focused on helping all types of patients.
To become eligible as a tax-deductible organization, Patient in Focus is required to find 300 new members/supporting members and receive at least 100 donations. To make this happen, Patient in Focus asks that you support them in making a difference for all patients.
When becoming a (supporting) member, Patient in Focus offers a gift card in return (your investment is only €4), while companies donating money, products, or services (of a €40 value or more) can add their logo to the PatientinFocus.org website for all patients to see.
We hope you will support and help Patient in Focus in their fight to do good for others and help as many patients as possible.
Become a member: https://patientinfocus.com/vare/private-membership/
Donations: contact info@patientinfous.org if you wish to donate products or services
Discover more about Patient in Focus
Patient in Focus is an international, disease neutral, nonprofit patient organization based in Europe. Built by patients for patients. Patient in Focus provides the opportunity to make a difference for yourself and others by being a voice with healthcare professionals, researchers, industry, academics etc. We do this through patient engagement, counseling, and a strong patient community, where we can create life-changing purpose and quality of life despite chronic illness, pain, and disabled.