The exchange on the 22, 23 and 24th of October was of great value for platform GEEF (Digital Health Friesdand) and the 18 professionals from different organisations in South Sweden, mainly due to the amount of common ground that was discovered throughout these 3 days.
Through initiatives from the EU-desks –North of the Netherlands and South Sweden- the professional exchange in Leeuwarden turned out to be an outspoken success. Being the European Cultural Capital 2018, the city of Leeuwarden also facilitated warm personal and social intermingling.
Almost the complete spectrum of innovative and digital health support for elderly and other vulnerable groups was represented in pitches followed by reflection, interaction, tips, tricks, pitholes and so forth. A full –and public- report will be available shortly.
ECHAlliance pitched too, via Skype Gregor Cusak spread the potential of ECHAlliance among the participants of the exchange.
All of us are looking forward to a next occasion, in which specific themes of the explored spectrum can be studied in more detail.