Our Smart Factory Innovation Hub enables businesses to test the latest digital manufacturing solutions in a broad range of applications, before investment. We are looking for businesses of all sizes who are eager to embrace the power of digital technologies.
The Made Smarter offering, delivered by the HVM Catapult, is open to all manufacturing sectors from food & drink, to pharmaceuticals or aerospace and uses the HVM Catapult’s world-class equipment and facilities. With open access to expertise from our Centres and innovative tech providers from across the UK, selected companies will get all the support they need to address live business challenges and move key projects forward. Funded by UKRI’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, there is no cost to businesses participating in this pilot.
If selected, businesses can use the Innovation Hub to test digital applications and early-stage technologies in a safe, industry-like environment with expert support. This cuts the risk of deploying digital technologies on your production line.