Round Table 4 report presents the findings of a multistakeholder Round Table consultation focused on the actions that are needed at a European level, facilitated by the European Health Data Space, and actions required by other stakeholders across Europe. The actions are needed to maximise the availability of high quality and interoperable health data on a large scale and to improve integrated patient care and for big data analysis across multiple heterogeneous sources irrespective of the European country in which the data reside.
It is in the form of consensus papers from three Working Groups, which were scoped and convened by the Digital Health Society (DHS) and the European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (I~HD) neutrally and independently from the event sponsors Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft and MSD.
A total of 41 participants contributed from EU and international institutions, national governments, industry, academia, hospital management, healthcare professionals, regulators and patient representatives.
They were distributed evenly amongst the Working Groups, which are based on 7 Calls To Action on Health Data Ecosystems created in 2020 in Round Tables 1 & 2:
1.Raise the digital literacy & skills of all stakeholders
2.Generate and value trustworthy Real World Evidence
3.Accelerate interoperability across Europe and globally
4.Demonstrate benefits to society from data access, use and reuse
5.Adopt a risk stratification approach
6. Build a trustworthy framework for data access and use
7. Adopt a transformational approach to health data
You can access the full report for Round Table 4 here and Round Table 3 – Proposing a common basis for health data access across Europe here.
Watch out for news about DHS thought leadership work in 2022.