
Revolutionary assessment of ADHD symtoms using VR Technology: A game-changing approach

Revolutionary assessment of ADHD symtoms using VR Technology: A game-changing approach
Ecosystem News

A Finnish company based in Oulu, Peili Vision, has developed a virtual reality game that helps professionals detect symptoms of ADHD in children. Their solution aims to support the identfication of learning challenges in schools and healthcare. By harnessing the power of VR technology, healthcare professionals have the opportunity to use accurate data for diagnosis and tailor treatment plans to meet the needs of individual patients, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment procedures.

Peili Vision´s games aim to support the identfication of learning challenges in schools and healthcare. A-EDU, a web game, is designed to detect executive function challenges in students. ARVO, a VR game, helps healthcare professionals identify ADHD symptoms. Both games use real-life scenarios to provide accurate assessments and data to support early intervention and improve outcomes for students and patients. The game’s target audience includes teachers and healthcare professionals who work with children. Teachers can use data from the game to identify executive function challenges in their students, while healthcare professionals can quickly receive information about a child’s potential ADHD symptoms, potentially shortening the wait for a diagnosis.

In healthcare early detection of ADHD symptoms is critical for providing children with the support they need to succeed in school and life. By identifying and addressing ADHD symptoms early on, children can receive appropriate interventions and accommodations, making it easier for them to learn and function in their daily lives. Peili Vision’s VR game has already been adopted by several schools and healthcare
facilities, with promising results. The data collected from the game is helping to advance the field of ADHD research and treatment, providing professionals with valuable insights into this neurodevelopmental condition.

In conclusion, Peili Vision’s VR game is a game-changer for detecting ADHD symptoms and intervention. By harnessing the power of VR technology, healthcare professionals have the opportunity to use accurate data for diagnosis and tailor treatment plans to meet the needs of individual patients, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment procedures.

Contact person

Jussi Auvinen

CEO, Peili Vision

Source: Peili Vision


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