The High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy took place on 9-10 July 2019, in the Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, as a part of the official programme of the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The Forum discussed the policies related to the Silver Economy under the umbrella of the economy of wellbeing, the other main theme of the Finnish Presidency in the field of social and health policies.
The Forum was driven by the positive approach towards longevity and the consequent demographic change. The debated ageing policies in Europe and globally; addressed a variety of pressing needs resulting from the demographic change; showcased digital and other technologies and new business models; brought together policy makers and businesses active in the Silver Economy to discuss and explore future trends; and also showcased ageing policies and action in the EU for the global audience.
The intersectorial Forum was organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Finance, Bank of Finland, and business partners the Global Coalition on Ageing and Finance Finland.
The Forum brought together more than 70 high-level speakers and 600 participants. They represented national and international political decision-makers and public officials, representatives of international organisations, experts and researchers, significant business operators mainly from Europe, Asia and North America, as well as non-governmental organisations.
You can find plenty of information in the three background papers, including one by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. You can also re-live the Forum through the high-quality web streaming.
The Forum contributed to the draft Council Conclusions, published in July at the Finnish Presidency website.