Within our partnership with AHB we have hosted the Global Health Connector Partnership Summit at Africa Health Business Symposium under the theme: The role of the private sector in advancing men’s health in Africa. AHBS VII took place on Thursday November 24th 2022 and have welcomed eminent health experts, business leaders and development partners to discuss, share information and provide lessons learned on key areas that affect men’s health in Africa.
Collaborations, connections and partnerships are the way forward when it comes to advancing and enhancing digital health on the African continent. Focus needs to shift from products to services that will enable resilient health systems and communities to be built. We look forward to welcoming more African organisations to join our global community, network and reach that can really bring change and advance digital health not only on the African continent but around the world.
“The use of data is absolutely vital for better health, it is a huge commodity. Its main function if we can utilise it properly is that it can do the research to create real products and services based on real information and deliver to people wherever they may be”
Brian O’Connor
Chair ECHAlliance