On May 7th, the CSG organized a seminar on opportunities for Galician companies of the health sector in Europe, with the support of the Vigo Free Zone Consortium.
The morning program focused on a presentation of the ECHAlliance health ecosystem network (echalliance.com), led by Joan Cornet, member of the director committee. The main objective of this network was explained, which is to support the ecosystems in several ways but mainly by sharing information about the trends, not only between ecosystems but also to inform the European Commission about them in order to suggest appropriate financing lines. He was followed by the cluster manager of the Cluster Saude de Galicia, CSG, Gisela Garcia-Alvarez, who recalled that the CSG is the coordinator of the Galician Health Ecosystem, an ecosystem including: regulators, suppliers and users. Representatives of each of these were present in the room.
The CSG associates include public and private companies of the Galician Health System and work in activities that focus on a “collaborative” internationalization of local solutions presented either individually or in a Galician consortium. Joan Cornet adds that a digital health observatory is being established that looks for quality information pills to be able to give visibility to leading projects and to inform everyone of up-to-date quality information. The Digital Health Societey (DHS) movement is also introduced, whose objective is to improve the lives of EU citizens through the digital transformation of health systems. Four lines of interest have been defined: interoperability, governance of the particular data, legal framework and digital transformation.

The main activity in this line is the annual conference #RIES (International Challenges of the Health Ecosystem) which aims to be a platform where the health innovation of our region is shown followed by various interventions, workshops or others with different themes. The contents of RIES 2016 and 2017 are briefly reviewed, and # RIES2018 is announced for October 25 in Pontevedra with the Smart Cities theme.
The speakers from Estonia (Piret Hirv) and Israel (Haim Gil-Aid) took the opportunity to learn more about the ecosystems, share possibilities for collaboration and financing. Finally 15 selected companies participated in a workshop directed by Haim Gil-Aidon the bases for a good operation of the Start-Ups

The afternoon program at the Vigo Free Zone Consortium focused on business opportunities for Galician companies in Israel and Estonia. Haim Gil-Aid of Israel and Piret Hirv of Estonia presented the health sectors of their respective countries and were available for questions from the attendees.
The Guidelines of Estonia, Israel, Ecuador, Peru and China were presented by the Vigo Free Zone Consortium.
Then there was a debate with the attendees about their internationalization status, challenges of the process as well as their needs.

From left to right: Haim Gil-Aid, Piret Hirv, Alberto Borrego, Teresa
Pedrosa, Gisela Garcia-Alvarez y Debora Ramonde, (Fotografia del CZFV)
More information about Galician Ecosystem