New ECHAlliance member, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare (FRRHH) is set to launch its newly developed “Introduction to Humanitarian Healthcare” online course in early 2021.
This first of a kind online course has been developed by the faculty in partnership with The Operations Partnership, UK-Med and developed to RCSEd education standards. The course will be available to all FRRHH members as a membership benefit and will be used as part of the pre-deployment training for all UK-Med volunteers. This effort has been supported to date by funding from UK aid from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
The outcomes of the Introduction to Humanitarian Healthcare Course will be to introduce healthcare professionals interested in deploying to humanitarian emergencies to the following key areas;
- the basics of humanitarian medicine
- maintaining good medical practice in humanitarian emergencies
- humanitarian principles
- who is who in humanitarian deployments
For more information on registration for the course and Faculty developments, join the Faculty today.
About The Faculty of Remote, Rural & Humanitarian Healthcare
The pre-existing Faculty of Remote and Rural Healthcare was formally launched in November 2018 by The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, incorporating Humanitarian in to its structure in August 2020 to create the now flourishing Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare.
The faculty was established in response to the need identified within both industry and the public health arena to define, review and set standards of competence for organisations as well as medical and non-medical personnel delivering healthcare in remote and rural environments.
The faculty exists with a primary objective to “improve the health outcomes of individuals living and working in remote, rural, austere and life-threatening areas of the world”. It aims to establish, promote and develop a diverse global community of healthcare professionals operating across public, private and third sectors within a number of diverse industries.