Cordoba 4th June 2019
This year the 2nd Big Data for Precision Medicine Symposium (BDPM 2019) will be organized by the H2020 projects iASiS and PULSE. The Symposium will be a full day event taking place at Istituto Maimónides De Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (IMIBIC) on Tuesday 4th June 2019 in Cordoba (Spain), one day ahead of the IEEE Symposium CBMS 2019.
After the successful organization of the first BDPM Symposium in 2018, which took place in Athens on July 11th, BDPM organizes the event for the second time with the participation of all projects funded under the same H2020 SC1-PM-18-2016call aiming to bring together organisations and European projects with the objective to further discussions and share updates in the fields of Big Data and Precision Medicine.
Attendance to the Symposium is free, however registration using the form you can access here is mandatory for organizational purposes. Registration to the event includes full access to Symposium talks as well as lunch and coffee breaks. Electronic participation certificates will be provided to all delegates.
IMPORTANT: As places are limited you should consider your registration to be valid only upon receipt of a follow up confirmation email. If for some reason you are not able to attend, kindly inform the organizers as soon as possible sending an email to Alejandro Rodríguez González, alejandro.rg all the information related to the Programme and the Travel Information, please visit the event website.