Aline Noizet, Solution Match Service leader at the EU-funded eHealth HUB project, explains why matching between SME’s and medical institutions is essential for the future of digital health.
Nowadays hospitals and corporates are collaborating with SMEs to develop and offer more competitive services and improve internal processes. In order to improve their competitiveness, SMEs are chosen also by pharmaceutical groups and insurance companies.
Nevertheless, these hospitals and corporates don’t always know where and how to find the best SMEs: those that offer solutions matching the requirements they are looking for. At the same time, SMEs would want to know what corporates are looking for and when to approach them at the right moment with the right proposal.
“That’s why services such as our Solution Match are crucial”, says eHealth HUB service leader Aline Noizet: “Solution Match serves as a filter between corporates and SMEs, translating what the hospital or company is looking for into a concrete need and solution requirements, in a way that makes sense for SMEs and increases the chances of finding the best matches.”
Speeding up the process
According to Noizet, the sevice helps to speed up the whole process with an initial commitment from the hospital or company and a scouting period and selection deadline fixed at the beginning of the whole process.
“Through Solution Match, the hospital or company gets to meet the best SMEs, based on their criteria”, Noizet explains. “This helps hem to focus their efforts and speed up potential collaboration. Such meetings are also an opportunity to personalise their proposal in the best way possible. Solution Match facilitates the exchange of information between SMEs and hospitals or corporates, in order to increase the chances of finding the best matches in a timely way.”
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