Several European organisations have expressed their concern about the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health research and innovation ongoing projects and current calls for proposals.
In this Position Paper they stress the need for a careful assessment of such impact and the postponement of the April deadlines for the H2020 Societal Challenge 1 at least until the end of May 2020.
This large group of organisations wishes to communicate an important message to the European institutions confirming their strong support to any decisions the EC is undoubtedly currently working on in relation to Horizon 2020 active projects and calls.
In such a difficult moment, stepping up the response to the outbreak remains the foremost priority and we want to renovate our commitment to work together to overcome the current challenges with continued cooperation and solidarity.
More and more organisations are expressing their support. If you wish to endorse the paper please contact Valentina Tageo, valentina@echalliance.com.