Are you a Pharma/Medtech Companion Diagnostic SME or a company with Diagnostic products? Are you in need of IP strategy insights or do you have questions concerning patent protection and enforcement for your products?
Are you a Pharma/Medtech Companion Diagnostic SME or a company with Diagnostic products? Are you in need of IP strategy insights or do you have questions concerning patent protection and enforcement for your products?
Join our IP program NOW. The kick-off is free of charge.
The experts of NLO – European Patent and Trademark Attorneys are available to you for a dedicated one-on-one conversation of 30 minutes online. Feel invited to benefit from this opportunity and get guidance by IP- and companion diagnostic / molecular diagnostics experts Aleksandra Zwolinska, PhD, & Barend Bouma, PhD.
These meetings will take place on September 13, 2022. Are you interested? Please let us know at your earliest convenience. (Of course, a conflict check is part of the assessment for establishing a business relationship). There are only three places for free! Supported by the Codex4SME’s program.
How to apply for services?
- Check your eligibility:
- Does your company meets the SME definition of the EU?
- Did your SME receive more than a total of €200.000 of de Minimis state aid between 2020 and 2022? For more information about de-minimis aid. You can find helpful information via these links de minimis rule and state aid.
- Before you apply, read the full Business Growth Programme description
- Complete application form
- Submit your application and your de minimis self-declaration by September 2nd, 2022
Should you require any further information, please contact Lonneke Baas and Marieke Huis in ‘t Veld
Note: The online training is limited to three SMEs. The selection is made on a first-come, first-served basis.
More information: The online coaching is part of the Interreg NWE-funded Codex4SMEs project. Since 2017, Codex4SMEs has built a large European network in the field of diagnostics and personalized medicine. More than 300 small and medium-sized enterprises have so far benefited from the opportunities offered. These include various events and tailored services that support SMEs in the development of innovative diagnostics.
Discover more about Interreg NWE Codex4SMEs
With the mission of “the right drug, at the right dose, at the right time, to the right patient“, the Interreg North-West Europe Codex4SMEs project funds the development of innovative diagnostics for improved personalised healthcare in Europe. The funding programme aims to support small and medium-sized (SME) companies in the life sciences and medical technology sectors engaged in the development of diagnostics. For the development of improved diagnostics, nine partners from six EU countries have launched a strong Fast Track Programme offering SMEs a wide range of services along the entire value chain.