During the COVID-19 lockdown in Denmark, traditional antenatal classes for future parents were cancelled all over the country due to precautions and regulations about size of gatherings. This meant that pregnant women and their partners lost an important part of the Danish pregnancy services. Online antenatal webinars are a service made to support these families.
In record time, the Health Innovation Centre collaborated with the 4 maternity wards in the Region of Southern Denmark and Amager&Hvidovre Hospitals in the Capital Region, to secure 500.000 DKK from Trygfonden (65.000 Euros) for a fast track project to bring antenatal webinars to the citizens of South Denmark and Amager/Hvidovre. The solution was quickly ready and midwives were taught how to do webinars. All based on knowledge from webinars within other healthcare fields. The experiences of both future parents and midwives have been extremely positive, both sides are very satisfied with the webinars and the flexibility of the service, and there is a strong interest in keeping the antenatal webinars as a permanent additional service to regular physical classes even when COVID-19 is less prominent in the future.
“The social part is obviously missing but knowledge-wise I don’t think it makes a big difference. It is actually quite nice and cozy to sit in your own living room and participate on/off. I definitely feel much more ready now.” Soon-to-be parents from South Jutland
“The future parents have been very satisfied with the service, which provides much more flexibility. You can sit by yourself and you decide the time and place, and it is possible for us to reach different citizens.” Midwife from Lillebaelt Hospital
All of the experiences regarding the technical, didactic, administrative and organizational aspects will be made available for all interested parties in Mid September through our “Guidelines for Antenatal Webinars”.
Article Source: https://www.syddansksundhedsinnovation.dk/service-menu/nyheder/2020/foedselsforberedelse-hjemme-fra-sofaen/ (Danish)