
Nursing School of Coimbra and Knowledge Innovation

Published on: 14/01/2021

Nursing School of Coimbra and Knowledge Innovation

The Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E) at the Nursing School of Coimbra (Esenfc) is an active, innovative and creative centre!

In its work processes, UICISA: E seeks to produce useful and meaningful knowledge for society. The unit wants to take the knowledge to the end-users, as nurses; or even to the citizen, through communication tools that use a simple and accessible language. This unit has been increasing the involvement of the citizens/end-users in decision making in the context of the research conception it produces.

One of the major investments of this research unit is focused on the training of human capital. Therefore, it regularly organizes courses or seminars, as an example:

  • 11th Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP) PCEBP organized the 11th CSRTP. It took place from November 16 to 20 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, it was organised in online sessions. Participants: 14 Trainers: João Apóstolo (Director of PCEBP), Rogério Rodrigues (Deputy Director of PCEBP) and Ana Filipa Cardoso (Core Staff of PCEBP). The participants were from Portuguese educational and health institutions.
Figure 1 – Participants of the 11th CSRTP
  • 4th International Seminar for Researchers’ Training – 24 November 2020. These seminars are an opportunity for researchers, in their doctoral or post-doctoral process, to present the knowledge produced and establish new partnerships. This 4th seminar featured: Kátia Celich, Federal University of Fronteira do Sul, Brazil- Post-doctoral project: “Methodology of care humanitude: a tool that promotes care management in comprehensive care for the older adults in times of COVID-19 pandemic ”. Leoni Zenevicz, Federal University of Fronteira do Sul, Brazil – Post-doctoral project: “Contributions from humanitude care methodology in interdisciplinary care for the terminally ill person in pandemic times ” and Moderator moderation: Maria Manuela Ferreira, Higher School of Health – Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal.

The Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing of the Nursing School of Coimbra, UICISA: E, took on the important mission of disseminating the best available evidence in health, adapted to the citizen, through the creation of appealing summaries on specific topics. More than 10 summaries have been produced and disseminated on social networks, seven of which gather evidence on various aspects of COVID-19. This dissemination of evidence to the citizen relies on the work of two licensed nursing scholarships and the supervision of Daniela Cardoso, Cristina Louçano and Rosa Silva.

This ESEnfC’s unit has been concerned with the creation of new opportunities for scientific employment. Last month, four junior researchers (with PhD) join the UICISA: E team at the initiative of Scientific Employment. The work of these researchers aims to develop two projects: i) Science DiabetICC Footwear – Development of Innovative therapeutic footwear for diabetic feet; ii)  4NoPressure – Development of smart clothing for pressure ulcer prevention; and the development of two strategic axes of the unit: i)  Strategic Axis for Science Synthesis and Implementation; ii) Strategic Axis for Extension and Society Engagement.

European Recognition of Nursing Excellence in Research during COVID-19

Recently, researchers from UICISA: E were awarded with the European Recognition of Nursing Excellence in Research during COVID-19 for the significant impact of their research on the Nursing profession through the development and implementation of several projects on infection control and infection control team Supported Patients. Pedro Parreira, Rafael Bernardes, João Graveto, Anabela Salgueiro Oliveira, Beatriz Serambeque, Liliana Sousa, & Paulo Costa are to be congratulated for this international recognition nominated by Sigma Theta Tau International.

Figure 3. UICISA: E/TecCare Nursing Team

I International Workshop and I International DigiNurse Seminar: Learning ICT Supported Nursing for Self-Management of Patients

Procedural digitalization is currently a social challenge worldwide. Digitalization in healthcare is no exception, calling for new approaches to meet the needs and growing demand for access to person-centered care at distance, often due to economic reasons, difficulty in access to health services, or need for protection, when there is a risk of contagion caused by epidemics that require mandatory confinement. Therefore, the need to offer/provide health care at distance increases, focusing on prevention and early detection and/or compliance with the treatment plan. The main challenge will be to provide more and better-quality care with the same resources as people get older and more likely to develop chronic illnesses. This issue has been one of UICISA’s major research areas, and a cross-sectional thematic developed in the ESEnfc’s teaching units. That is why the I International Workshop and I International DigiNurse Seminar: Learning ICT Supported Nursing for Self-Management of Patients was organized. This seminar arises from a project funded by the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships program, consisting of a European consortium of institutions Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium), Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Coimbra Nursing School (Portugal).

Figure 4. I International Workshop & I International Diginurse Seminar

In addition, the Esenfc unit is concerned with several social issues centred on the vulnerability of the most fragile. Thus, the discussion of some seminars/webinars have been focussed on these items, such as:

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