NHS Western Isles are partners in a new three year Northern Periphery & Arctic INTERREG Project which is led by Ulster University with partners from Lulea Institute of Technology and Norbotten Association of Local Authorities in Sweden, East Finland University, Action Mental Health, N. Ireland and Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland.
The project will develop and trial chatbots to support and promote mental health and wellbeing. The project has been designed to address the identified mental health needs of people living in rural and sparsely populated areas of Northern Ireland, Scotland, Finland, Sweden and Ireland.
A key objective is to co-create and pilot a multilingual chatbot service that is effective for providing a blended digital mental health service supporting project workers and skills coaches across different NPA regions and age groups and so improving access in remote and rural areas.
Download the project leaflet here
Project website: http://chatpal.interreg-npa.eu