Few new technologies have developed with such speed or engendered such contrasting emotions of anxiety and fear and hope and excitement. Whilst we understand the concerns in other sectors healthcare has been an early adopter of AI and the opportunities for new drugs, products, services, treatments and better patient outcomes with the help of AI are real and substantial.
In early 2023 the Digital Health Society and our partner I~HD held Round Table 7 “Creating an environment of trust and responsible AI adoption and use” and this month we are delighted to publish our Report. Since our Round Table there have been a range of governance and regulatory initiatives including the US Executive Order on AI Standards for Safety and Security, the G7 code of Conduct and the passing of the European AI Act.
The Report includes 4 recommendations and other key points. The Report strives to present a better balance to discussions around the use of AI in healthcare. To read the report click here.
Our Round Table programme continues for its fifth year and watch out for more work in the AI field later this year.