The Commission has decided to delay the deadline for submission of proposals for topics FETPROACT-EIC-05-2019 and FETPROACT-EIC-06-2019 until 13 November 2019. This will give researchers more time to prepare a proposal for the call.

The topics for which the deadline has been postponed until 13th November 2019 are:
- FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities: FETPROACT-EIC-05-2019 – including the subtopics:
- Human-Centric AI
- Implantable autonomous devices and materials
- Breakthrough zero-emissions energy generation for full decarbonisation
- EIC Transition to Innovation Activities: FETPROACT-EIC-06-2019
Please note that the special arrangements regarding extra funds for energy and climate change research will also have the new deadline of 13th Novermber 2019. Information on submitting a proposal for these topics can be found on the Commission’s Funding and Tenders online portal. The FET Proactive scheme and its calls are now under the EIC Pathfinder scheme. Do take advantage of this opportunity and extended deadline to send your proposals!