Navigating regulatory compliance presents a significant hurdle for emerging health innovators. These entrepreneurs are often faced with a stark choice: either engage costly consultants or brave the journey alone, diverting focus from product development.
Founded by GDPR lawyer Nadia Kadhim and ex-Nato Cyber Security expert Chris Clinton, Naq is the market’s first automated healthcare compliance platform. With its ability to automate over 80% of compliance tasks, Naq offers innovators a faster, simpler, and more cost-effective approach to achieving, monitoring, and managing their compliance with more than 20 of the world’s most in-demand frameworks, enabling them to get their solutions to market faster.
Naq is used by innovators looking to comply with digital health standards. Before Naq meeting just one standard, could take an innovator more than 200 hours, or the support from a consultancy organisation. But the Naq platform automates 80% of the compliance process, and in doing so saves an average 160 man-hours and £20k in consultancy fees every year. Furthermore, as the platform is online, as standards change or new security threats develop, any compliance actions are immediately visible.
The Naq platform also offers significant value to Healthcare providers. The ability to access an online platform saves commissioners hundreds of hours in due diligence paperwork. The ability to instantly see the current compliance posture of an innovator, also provides vital safeguarding of the supply chain.
Since launching into the UK digital health market, we have grown 300% by word of mouth. Innovators build, manage and scale their compliance programme with Naq’s automated platform and comprehensive expert support. The platform streamlines the work required to comply with more than 20 of the world’s most in-demand frameworks, including Cyber Essentials, DCB 0129, GDPR, ISO 27001, ISO 9001, NHS DSPT, NHS DTAC, and HIPAA.
So if you are a digital health innovator and need to comply with standards to enter a healthcare market, without breaking the bank or your spirit, please get in touch, we’d love to help.