
Moxiam – a digital service that improves everyday life for elders and carers

Published on: 07/02/2022

Moxiam – a digital service that improves everyday life for elders and carers
Digital Health Solutions
Member News

65+ are growing fast in numbers and are projected to surpass 2 billion by 2050, emphasizing the need for smart solutions to ensure quality care for all seniors.
Moxiam is a digital subscription service allowing trusted persons to provide improved care quality, and a safer life for seniors and carers:
• Discreet Sensors register movements 24/7, which are directly forwarded to our Smart system.
• The Smart system interprets the individual’s unique movement pattern, analyzes the information and forwards it to your Moxiam app on the mobile.
• Through the app, trusted persons get access to updated information, gain knowledge and insights to act before a situation becomes too critical.

Moxiam’s mission is to improve the everyday life for elders and their relatives! We deliver a real-time connected service that will let you know when something is not right. 

We are blessed to live in times that give us, in general, the opportunity to live beyond 80 years. Population aging, amongst other technological advancement, is a great achievement of the 20th century! Now most countries have a rising life expectancy, and an aging population. With age we also experience certain impairments, potential chronic disorders, and other situations that increase our need of care and assistance 🡪 based on the individual’s conditions, needs and wants. There is limited preparedness and a significant need of services to address present and future demand.

Aging population is truly positive, but it creates challenges! Over 110 million European’s million inhabitants are now 65 years or older. In the United States about 55 million people are senior citizens. 

Present welfare and care systems are not designed or adequately dimensioned to manage the care needs that evolve from the demographic situation today – even less for tomorrow. Relatives, or informal networks, will have to carry an increasing burden for the care of elders. Informal carers are in Europe are estimated to exceed 75 million today.

Any proper working solution also needs to provide for the continuous delivery of information and data with respect to our older next of kin. Being able to deliver quality information, status and notification will bring Peace of Mind as well as an improved service to all. This is the core of Moxiam’s mission and offering.

In today’s society, relatives are having to take increasing responsibility for the care of their elderly family members. To cope with this situation, we need solutions that offer information and knowledge about the everyday lives of our senior citizens. Based on behavioural or movement patterns, Moxiam offers exactly that, providing information and notifications if anything different from the normal routine occurs.

Moxiam’s goal is to contribute towards a better life for senior citizens and their relatives. Our service is centred on the individual and built on basic values of privacy and independence:

  • We want to feel in control of our own lives
  • We aim to maintain or improve our quality of life
  • We want to meet socially and have relationships with the people around us

Our solution and service model start from the individual’s perspective and work outwards to assemble solutions that bring independence and improved quality of life. It encompasses self-management and the insight that people prefer to remain in their present living environment while they – at the same time – need increased amounts of services and care, do not wish to be a heavy burden on relatives and aspire to stay as independent as possible – Quality of Life.

How it works

The  Moxiam service is based on advanced algorithms and is a self-learning system. Every person is unique, and the service adapts automatically to the individual, whose movement pattern is registered by motion sensors. After about 2 weeks the system has developed insight in this pattern and notifies if deviation occur.  

When you don’t have the facts, it’s easy to be anxious. And without the facts, it’s easy to get into habits involving routinely investigating things, whether they’re needed or not. Instead with the Moxiam app you get information about how your mother or father is doing based on facts, and you avoid worrying as well as having to ask confirmation questions.

Every moment counts!

Discover more about Moxiam:

Moxiam is a prime mover and supplier of solutions for Intelligent Monitoring and Fact-based Care. Our priority is to deliver digital 24/7 information to improve everyday life for elders and carers. Headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden the Moxiam team is distributed with resources in Europe, complemented with further world-class development capacity in Delhi, India. The team behind Moxiam have backgrounds and experience from the healthcare industry, technology, and telecoms. And of building sustainable companies.

Based on the present Moxiam solution and our unrivalled database, containing over 6 million data points, and well documented platform, scale-up preparations are ongoing.  The objective is to expand on European markets beginning 2022 followed by a US market approach.


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