MEDIC-NEST will target European ecosystems, especially SMEs (ICT, Medtech, Biotech, Pharma, Diagnostics), imaging service providers, regional and sectoral authorities, regional development agencies, research institutes, support organizations, incubators, accelerators, innovation centers and will implement an interdisciplinary approach with a focus on digital health technologies, by implementing a new ClusterXchange pilot program.
The project aims to address more effectively the challenges of innovation, growth and globalization faced by SMEs in the field of precision medicine, facilitating cross-regional value chain collaboration between ICT and precision medicine groups.
The MEDIC-NEST project (Precision MEDIcine Clusters integrating Digital Technologies for New EcoSystems in HealThcare) is a COSME funded project that aims to strengthen the excellence of cluster management and to facilitate strategic partnerships and exchanges between clusters and specialized ecosystems across Europe in the field of precision medicine and that will have its kick-off meeting on 24th – 25th of February 2022, in Iasi, Romania.
The project is implemented by a consortium of 4 clusters, the coordinator being IMAGO-MOL Cluster (Romania) and, together with the partner clusters Flanders HealthTech (Belgium), Biohelenic (Greece) and Biotecyl – Cluster De Salud De Castilla Y León (Spain), will establish a Meta-cluster in precision medicine, which will develop a European Strategy in Precision Medicine and a Joint Action Plan in the field of Precision Oncology 2022-2027.
MEDIC-NEST will target European ecosystems, especially SMEs (ICT, Medtech, Biotech, Pharma, Diagnostics), imaging service providers, regional and sectoral authorities, regional development agencies, research institutes, support organizations, incubators, accelerators, innovation centers and will implement an interdisciplinary approach with a focus on digital health technologies, by implementing a new ClusterXchange pilot program.
The project aims to address more effectively the challenges of innovation, growth and globalization faced by SMEs in the field of precision medicine, facilitating cross-regional value chain collaboration between ICT and precision medicine sectors in line with the smart health industry, but also to improve cluster staff skills in ecosystem management.
MEDIC-NEST will be implemented between 1st of February 2022 till 31 of January 2024.
Discover more about the North-East Regional Development Agency:
North-East Regional Development Agency is a catalyst of economic and social development, the only regional independent body that manages national and European public funds for regional development. In connection with the health sector, North-East RDA is aiming to facilitate the development of an innovative health ecosystem in joint effort with North-East Innovative Regional Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging (IMAGO-MOL Cluster), being one of the founding members.