Encouraging community building around the issue of women entrepreneurship – Management and running of the WEgate platform
In order to support women who would like to start or expand their business, the European Commission created in 2016 an on-line, Europe-wide platform called WEgate. Since September 2016, this platform serves as a hub for connecting women entrepreneurs with local, national and European support organizations, thus facilitating their access to mentoring and business networks across Europe.
The general objective of this call for proposals is to enhance women entrepreneurship in Europe by:
(i) Facilitating networking and sharing good practices between actors such as intermediary stakeholders, in order to improve the support effectively delivered to women entrepreneurs and to motivate more women to start their own business or to support the development of their business across Europe.
(ii) Entrusting stakeholders themselves with the management, update and promotion of the WEgate e-platform.
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
(i) To develop a “European women entrepreneurship community of practice” (“the Community”), which will complement and build on past, current and already planned initiatives in this area
(ii) To engage more stakeholders actively supporting women entrepreneurs – rather than women entrepreneurs themselves – with an emphasis on face-to-face exchanges and networking, in complement to online connexions.
Deadline: 05 September 2019 17:00:00 Brussels time