Why would post-viral illness education and updated clinical guidance for myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), also help patients who remain ill with Long COVID, after even mild cases of COVID-19?
This series of Webinars is a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field, who have decades of experience in managing thousands of cases of M.E. and are recognising the similarities to one group, of a fast-rising number of Long Covid cases.
HSC Clinical Education Centre are providing a unique opportunity to discover, learn and explore the misperceptions and misunderstandings surrounding post-viral M.E., to ensure informed decisions are made when caring for this largely neglected patient population.
Expert speakers have been provided by the charity Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland.

Discover More:
Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland is a registered charity, run solely by patient volunteers and aided by their family members. The charity has been campaigning for specialist NHS services, for the estimated 7500 M.E. patients in Northern Ireland, since 2011.
We have hosted 11 international conferences for healthcare providers and offer support and fellowship to patients via Zoom monthly meetings with specialist speakers, and various FaceBook Page Groups.