SmartWork raising awareness among the European research community
SmartWork partners have been raising awareness of the project across the European research community and highlighting the importance of supporting active healthy ageing in the workplace.
The latest quarterly ERCIM News Publication (July 2019) focuses on the special theme of ‘Digital Health’ and includes a two-page scientific news article, prepared by SmartWork partner, the University of Patras.
The article emphasises the holistic approach of SmartWork towards work ability modelling, capturing both the attitudes and abilities of the ageing worker to enable decision support for personalised interventions for maintenance/improvement of work ability. You can read the SmartWork article and other project publications here.
New SmartWork deliverables now online
Two new SmartWork deliverables have just been published, bringing to five the number of public deliverables produced by the SmartWork project since it began in January 2019. For an insight into how the project consulted with end-users on the SmartWork system, check out D2.2 First version of co-design methodology, user requirements and use cases. Using a combination of desk research, online questionnaires and interviews, four personas and user stories were developed to help define the functional requirements of the SmartWork system. D2.3 Data Collection Protocol defines the preliminary data collection protocol (timing, content and methods), incorporating the three data collection tracks of (1) Co-creation with end-users, (2) Technical optimization, and (3) Final evaluation. All public deliverables produced so far are available on the SmartWork website here. This will be added to as more become available.
SmartWork @ AAL Forum 23-25 September 2019
SmartWork will be featuring at the AAL Forum , a great opportunity for dissemination at the largest European event for ageing well in the digital age, with 800+ attendees expected. The overall topic for this year is ‘Smarter practical implementation of digital technology to enhance active and healthy living’, with a number of thematic areas directly relevant to SmartWork e.g. THEME 5: ‘Seniors at the workplace – Can digital retain our precious silver workforce?’. For more information and to register for this event, visit https://www.aalforum.eu/
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