Funding for joint projects to understand the impact of interventions on the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance.
The Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) has launched an international call for projects under the umbrella of the JPIAMR and within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION.
The primary aim of the ‘One Health Interventions to Prevent or Reduce the Development and Transmission of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)’ co-funded call is to understand the impact of interventions on the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance and to design, implement, evaluate, and compare interventions that will have a true impact on reducing the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance in and between the different One Health settings.
Projects should be implemented into relevant geographic areas, including into resource-limited settings, with a One Health perspective. Projects are encouraged to include transdisciplinary research teams, in which involvement of the social sciences is also encouraged. LMIC-led collaborations at global and regional level are welcomed.
The call, with financial support from the European Commission, includes 30 funding organisations from 21 JPIAMR member countries: Argentina; Belgium; Canada; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Moldova; the Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Spain; Sweden; and United Kingdom.
Applicant consortia must include a minimum of three eligible partners asking for funding from three different countries (at least two from EU Member States or Associated Countries). Consortia can be comprised of a maximum of six project partners (including non-funded partners). The maximum number of partners can be increased to seven if partners from under represented countries (including LMICs) are included in the consortium.
The total estimated call budget is €24.9 million.
Submission of proposals is through a two-stage process (pre-proposal, followed by full proposal).
Pre-proposals must be submitted by the coordinator before 16 March 2021 (12:00 CET).
The submission deadline for full proposals will be 12 July 2021.