The XpanDH project kindly invites you to their upcoming virtual webinar titled ‘Building the European Health Data Space: Leveraging the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) for Secondary Data use in the European Health Data Space (EHDS)’ on Wednesday 20th September 2023 from 15:00 – 16:00 CEST.
XpanDH’s quarterly webinar series is designed to offer valuable insights to a diverse range of stakeholders. Each webinar features three expert panellists who bring their unique perspectives and expertise to the discussion. The webinars are recorded on Zoom and will be released as podcasts, providing a valuable resource for anyone seeking to stay informed about the latest developments in EEHRxF.
This webinar will be hosted by XpanDH – Expanding Digital Health through a pan-European EHRxF-based ecosystem. Under the landmark European Health Data Space Regulation, a common EU framework will allow the use of health data across the union for research, innovation, public health, policy-making, regulatory activities and personalised medicine – known as the second pillar of data use in the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
However, while consensus exists regarding the primary use of patient health data, the secondary use of data has sparked considerable debate with the ENVI/LIBE Committee vote on the draft Regulation now postponed to September. Additionally, a key consideration to accessing and utilising data for secondary purposes is the application of a framework supporting the secure, interoperable, cross-border access to, and exchange, of electronic health data in the Union.
This webinar aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, benefits, alignment strategies, and supporting frameworks associated with collecting and utilizing health data for secondary purposes within the EHDS.
The objectives of this webinar are:
- To explore the challenges and benefits of collecting data for secondary use.
- To discuss how data use for the primary pillar (patient treatment) and the secondary pillar of the EHDS can be harmonised and aligned.
- To highlight the role of the European Electronic Health Records exchange format (EEHRxF) in facilitating the secure, interoperable, cross-border access to, and exchange of electronic health data.
A full list of expert panellists will be announced soon!