
Introducing the PiPPi project: Towards a European collaboration to address unmet needs in healthcare

Published on: 15/02/2021

Introducing the PiPPi project: Towards a European collaboration to address unmet needs in healthcare


Thursday 18 February, 2021, 11am – 12pm CET
2nd PiPPi Webinar (on Zoom)

(After registration you will receive the link to the webinar one day before the event)
(If you have already registered for this webinar after receiving the Save-the-date, you don’t have to register again).

The vision of the PiPPi project is that all stakeholders of healthcare are collaborating in a Community of Practice (CoP) to identify, and prepare addressing, unmet needs in digital healthcare services. Are you a stakeholder in healthcare with an interest in innovation procurement? Then join the 2nd PiPPi webinar.

The webinar will present PiPPi. Who are its partners and stakeholders? Which unmet needs in healthcare have PiPPi and its stakeholders identified so far? What is a CoP and how is PiPPi going to build one? How could you participate? As an example of a successful CoP, the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) is invited to present.


  • Introduction of PiPPi, by Martina Ahlberg
  • Presentation of ECHAlliance, by Andy Bleaden
  • Q & A and panel discussion with all participants and speakers


Martina Ahlberg, Coordinator H2020 PiPPi-project
Martina Ahlberg is Innovation Program Manager at the Center for Innovation of Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. Her background is in med-tech with management positions in business development and change management. During the past eight years Martina has been involved in a large number of PCPs (Pre-Commercial Procurement) and PPIs (Public Procurement of Innovation Solutions).

Andy Bleaden, Director Ecosystems and Membership, European Connected Health Alliance
Andy Bleaden has a career in funding and social care of over 25 years and is currently working in Greater Manchester at Stockport, specialized in Adult Social Care, Robotics, Telehealth and Telemedicine, Regeneration and Dementia. He formed alliances with pan-European groups, such as the EIP-AHA, Coral and Covenant for Demographic Change. He has been working as an External Expert for the EC, EIT and the new Urban Innovation Actions.

Panel members

Jan Hazelzet, Pediatric Intensivist and Professor in Health Care Quality & Outcome, Erasmus MC
Jan A. Hazelzet, has a long clinical experience as Pediatric Intensivist and Associate-Professor in Pediatrics. He has gradually moved to the field of information and quality, first in the position of Chief Medical Information Officer, later as Professor in Health Care Quality & Outcome. He was the Clinical Lead of the Value-Based Health Care Program at Erasmus MC and the shift towards more Patient-Centered Care. He is active in several (inter-)national consortia, such as EUHA.

Tanja Stamm, Head of the Institute for Outcomes Research, Medical University of Vienna
Tanja Stamm is Head of the Institute for Outcomes Research and Deputy Director of the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems at the Medical University of Vienna. She combines clinical expertise with advanced research skills in data science. She has pioneered work in various medical fields, including rheumatology and musculoskeletal health, rehabilitation, diabetes, dietary, public health and oral health. Since October 2020, Tanja Stamm coordinates the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Health Outcomes Observatories H2O Project

Ramon Maspons, Chief Innovation Officer, AQuAS
Ramon Maspons is Chief Innovation Officer at AQuAS – Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia. In the last nine years he has been leading programs of procurement of innovation and value based procurement. He has over twenty years of experience in hospital and medical innovation and internationally funded (EU) research projects. He has hold strategic and management positions at EIT-KIC Health, Biocat, Granollers City Council, and IALE Tecnologia, a spin-off company of Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC).

This webinar is the second in a series organized by the Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation (PiPPi) using Zoom. Stay informed about PiPPi or join the Community of Practice here.

PiPPi aims to capture unmet needs of hospitals and to identify opportunities for innovation in digital health and care services. In order to do so PiPPi, is building a Community of Practice that involves all critical stakeholders: patients, medical professionals, researchers, policymakers, innovators, entrepreneurs and industrial representatives.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 826157.


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