We are very excited to welcome our Irish ecosystem led by DkIT – Connected Health & Wellbeing Cluster and based in Dundalk. To learn more about what their work, read this interview with Breanndán Casey, Manager of the DkIT – Connected Health & Wellbeing Cluster.
Who are the key stakeholders?
Our key stakeholders are Enterprise Ireland and Industry members.
What are the main objectives of your ecosystems?
The aim is to increase collaboration across key stakeholders in the health ecosystem.
Our six strategic pillars priorities include:
1. Innovation, Promotion & Collaboration
2. Internationalisation
3. Education, Skills, Training & Development
4. Regulatory, Cybersecurity, & Interoperability
5. Sustainable HealthTech
6. Personalised Health Monitoring including SportsTech & Wearables
Why did you join the ECHAlliance Network of Ecosystems?
We wanted to join the ECHAlliance Network of Ecosystems to increase our collaboration with other ecosystems and to learn from other members of the community.
Who is missing from your ecosystem in terms of stakeholders?
We are missing International Health Providers.
Which ecosystems are you looking to collaborate with?
We would like to collaborate with ecosystems based in Europe, the Middle East and the USA.