DHI COVID-19 Response webpage – https://www.dhi-scotland.com/projects/covid-19-projects/
FutureDotNow – DevicesDotNow – FutureDotNow is coordinating industry action through a new initiative,DevicesDotNow, targeting the 1.7 million households who don’t have access to the internet and are digitally excluded as we face a socially distanced world gripped by COVID-19. DevicesDotNow is asking businesses like to donate tablets, smartphones and laptops, as well as connectivity in the form of sims, dongles and mobile hotspots.
These are urgently needed to get the most vulnerable people in the UK online. Companies are also being asked to donate money if they can’t donate devices. Phase 1 of this (the first 10,000 devices) will be distributed through Online Centres. You might see this on social media through LinkedIn and Twitter from @futuredotnowUK using the hashtag #DevicesDotNow. Anyone who is interested in getting devices are being asked to fill in this form .
Companies can register their interest in donating devices, or data, or money to purchase devices/data. There is a form for companies to fill out – all via this website: https://futuredotnow.uk/devicesdotnow/