ECHAlliance and SPMS (Shared Services of the Portuguese Ministry of Health) are organising a joint online workshop in the Health Data Forum, that will take place in the 28th October at 12:30 CET, in the scope of the work they have developed in the H2020 DigitalHealthEurope project, along with partners such as empirica, and i~HD, under the theme “Trust, citizen empowerment and the role of digital literacy on health data sharing”.
The main goal of the workshop is to discuss the need to increase awareness, transparency and trust to leverage health data sharing and the challenges still to overcome, especially targeting digital literacy of citizens and health professionals.
The session will start with a very brief framing of the context, including DigitalHealthEurope project, and why it has investigated this topic. The use cases for health data sharing that have been explored will be outlined, and its findings so far on the attitude of patients and citizens regarding awareness, transparency and trust will be summarised. This includes stressing the importance of digital health literacy for citizens and health professionals. However, the findings have included many outstanding challenges with gaining citizen trust and engagement in health data sharing.
Chair: Bleddyn Rees (ECHAlliance)
- Carina Dantas (ECHAlliance)
- Diogo Martins (SPMS)
- Carola Schulz (empirica)
- Dipak Kalra, Zoi Kolitsi, Nathan Lea (i~HD)
- Juliana Sá (internal medicine doctor)
- Rita Veloso (Centro Hospitalar da Póvoa do Varzim e Vila do Conde)
Read more about DigitalHealthEurope project: digitalhealtheurope.eu
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