
Highlights from the GATEKEEPER kick off meeting!

Published on: 19/11/2019

Highlights from the GATEKEEPER kick off meeting!
Horizon 2020

We are happy to launch this section of the website summarizing the GATEKEEPER kick off meeting celebrated between 23rd to 25th October 2019 in Madrid. It was a pleasure for all partners to have this first presential meeting hosted by Medtronic Ibérica in their role of project coordinator. We had the opportunity to know us each other and to start defining the workplan and synergies among the consortium.


During 23rd and 24th October several sessions took place in order to share the main GATEKEEPER challenges and how to address them based on three main pillars:


This session was focused on the medical use cases defined for an early detection and management of prevalent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart failure or Parkinson among others. The group discussed about the implementation approach of the healthcare solutions across the 7 pilots in Europe that will involve more than 40K users. A relevant topic was about the usage of the data extracted in compliance with the privacy, security and ethics regulation.

To have a better understanding of the digital technologies available in the project a showcase was celebrated. The technological partners had the chance to show their mature devices and solutions for chronic conditions to the whole consortium.


The GATEKEEPER platform will act as the core of the project. This technical workshop served to talk about technical aspects and functionalities needed for the creation of the GATEKEEPER open space, that will connect all stakeholders and will provide interoperability, both for including new technologies and to facilitate the replication of the solutions and services in other countries or regions across Europe.

As a technical session the hot topics were about: architecture, interoperability thanks to Web of Things, data analytics and blockchain among others.


This session was an open discussion among the industrial and multipliers partners as one of the first action in the creation of every business is to understand who the players are, identify stakeholders and open dialogues with them.

The synergies with the medical and technical clusters will be key for building a meaningful value proposition based on our target needs. We also talked about dissemination and communication and the basis to build an effective plan that will serve to maximize the impact of the business and exploitation strategy.


A public session took place during the morning of 25th October at THE CUBE space in Madrid. In this innovative arena, it was a pleasure to attend during the first part of the session three talks about Big Data in healthcare, the importance of the Large-Scale Pilots for addressing societal challenges at European level, and of course a dedicated slot to the GATEKEEPER vision in this context.

During the second half of the morning we enjoyed a thematic round table with key opinion leaders in the healthcare sector. The discussion was about how digital solutions, based on big data, can improve the personalization, intervention and early detection of chronic conditions in older population. It was an interactive session were industry, healthcare providers, European Commission and consumer actors were represented, and the audience was involved in the dialogue.


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