CoreLite is a dedicated specimen x-ray system designed to verify microcalcifications of breast biopsy cores. It is compact and self-contained and therefore can be located in the biopsy room where specimens are imaged and verified within seconds at the point of care.
Why did Cirdan develop the CoreLite solution?
Currently a patient is scheduled for a biopsy after her mammogram has presented with a suspicious lesion. A stereotactic biopsy is conducted, and the specimen needs to be harvested and x-rayed by a mammography unit to identify and confirm if microcalcifications are present. This could interrupt a mammography exam being performed, causing the process to take longer and patient discomfort and stress, slowing down clinical throughput.
Radiographer Ulrica Pettersson from Unilabs in Sweden has recently been in touch telling us that she saves 15 minutes per procedure by having implemented the CoreLite system into her department’s workflow.

“I save approximately 15 minutes per procedure as I don´t need to go and x-ray the samples in another room. This rapid verification is less work intensive and reduces the number of working hours by about 2 hours per week. CoreLite delivers high quality images in a few seconds which gives us a shorter procedure time.”
For more information on CoreLite visit https://www.cirdan.com/corelite/