
Gnomon’s innovation pathways

Published on: 29/11/2022

Gnomon’s innovation pathways
Digital Health Solutions
Member News

Gnomon Informatics SA is the creator of eHealthPass, the patient centered platform that enables treatment planning and monitoring, emergency support and geolocation, with a focus on patient consent and privacy. Our vision is designing innovative ICT solutions to solve healthcare problems and empower people to have a better life quality by organizing their lives.

Gnomon is a well-known European eHealth interoperability solution provider that participated in and still joins at many R&D projects specialized in the eHealth sector. 

Pre-Commercial Procurement projects (PCP) introduce an approach to public procurement of research and development (R&D) services that is outlined in the PCP communication and associated staff working document. Therefore, an innovative company can not only stay updated about the new trends and needs in the healthcare sector, but also have the opportunity to promote a new developed solution as a forthcoming product. 

Gnomon has a wide experience in leading and participating successfully at such projects that usually are focused on suggesting new ICT tools for the remote management of specific clinical use cases (chronic pain, diabetes etc). Currently, three different projects are in progress: 

HSMonitor is about the hypertension care and introduces an intelligent digital pathway towards the proactive management and smart monitoring of hypertension. Gnomon has managed to proceed in the 3rd and final phase of this PCP, that includes the pilot testing of the finalized and validated solution.

CareCardia focuses on the provision and management of care and support for patients with Chronic Heart Failure. At this moment, the creation and validation of the first prototype is under progress during the 2nd phase of this project.

i-TRIER suggests an innovative triage management system that strengths resilience and interoperability of emergency medical service. Currently, the 1st phase of the project is near to end after concluding on a concrete and detailed description of the prototype that will follow. 

Our vision is to promote eHealth innovation and contribute in the creation of advanced services along with international industry leaders and prestigious academic institutions. 

So, we are always interested in collaborations and suggestions around the following topics: 

  • Digital therapeutics
  • Clinical trials
  • Medical devices integration & metadata analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Standard based healthcare interoperability (HL7 FHIR)
  • Biomarkers & processing
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence methods (abnormality detection models)
  • Natural Language Processing & Understanding
  • Virtual assistants
  • RASA chatbot frameworks
  • Vocal/textual interfaces

Have some thoughts on these challenges? Share your ideas with us!

Contact info:

Dr.Apostolia Karabatea

Project Manager

Discover more about GNOMON INFORMATICS:

GNOMON INFORMATICS S.A. is an innovative company headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece. It provides solutions for patient empowerment and assisted independent living. History indicates a solid 25-year-old software engineering background, delivering important national & EU projects. GNOMON is the creator of eHealthPass, the patient centered platform that enables frictionless data flow across systems and clouds. Our company has the longstanding vision and inspiration to digitally transform healthcare, insurance and social care industries by unlocking the value of data and enabling the data economy.


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