
Gnomon Informatics – Mission: ICT solutions at the disposal of healthcare problems

Published on: 07/12/2021

Gnomon Informatics – Mission: ICT solutions at the disposal of healthcare problems
Digital Health, Digital Health Solutions
Member News

The Achilles’ heel of emergency management is lack of interoperability. We believe in a fully integrated care system that will create new health cross border scenarios, improve the safety and quality of care, remove risk and cost from the system and increase patient engagement.

GNOMON INFORMATICS S.A. founded in 1994, is a Société Anonyme with headquarters in Thessaloniki, Greece and branches in Athens and Cyprus.

GNOMON’s overall operation is certified by ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 for its quality and security management system accordingly, and ISO 13485 for the scope of developing medical software. An EC – Certificate (CE marking) for the full quality assurance system of designing and manufacturing the software “eHealthPass” has also been awarded. Gnomon is affiliated with IHE Europe, HL7 Hellas and Greek IT companies Association. 

GNOMON is amongst the few Greek SME’s to be awarded and successfully conclude two projects from ESA (European Space Agency) as a main contractor within the First and Second Greece’s Industry Incentive Scheme and was awarded and contracted by ENISA for a study on data security and resilience for eHealth in order to prepare EU recommendations on the implementation of the NIS Directive in eHealth by ENISA. 

Our main line of expertise is on Interoperability and eHealth and Digital Health transformation. Since 2009 Gnomon is well known European eHealth interoperability solution provider and participated actively in the epSOS Industry team, being a steering committee member from the beginning. Gnomon also participated in the first reference implementation of the NCP components (NCP in a BOX). Gnomon is an active member of the epsos openNCP Community and development team with participation in many components development (configuration manager, audit manager, cda display tools, NCP B Portal layer, etc). Gnomon has also participated in the integration of the non-repudiation components to the openNCP framework as well as supporting STORK beneficiaries in integrating openNCP software with STORK toolkits on eID, successfully demonstrated in conference and review meetings. Furthermore Gnomon participates actively in the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI) and supports the implementation of the cross-border healthcare infrastructure of several Member States (Greece – e-Government Center for Social Security Services, Malta – Ministry for Health, Ireland – Health Service Executive, Belgium – Abrumet, Cyprus – Ministry of Health, Luxembourg – Agence eSante). 

GNOMON is the orchestrator and implementer of the Greek ePrescription pharmacies pharmacy interoperability framework, providing RFC 2104 compliance solution for safe connection to APIs, which managed a 98% of the traffic (300.000 dispensations out of 11.000 connected pharmacies and 12 different applications) deployed in a tight six months schedule. On the European level Gnomon has undertaken bespoke development and consulting tasks for several ehealth agencies and organisations such as ENISA, Agence eSante Luxembourg, Malta Information Agency, Austrian Ministry of Health, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions and others. 

In addition, GNOMON has been supporting the healthcare digital transformation of Ireland. Specifically, the company has been implementing the National Contact Point (NCP) node for the cross-border exchange of healthcare document within the eHDSI network. The respective national health infrastructure has been implemented by utilizing the IHE XDS solution (Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing) as core infrastructure to aggregate health data from and generate the requested healthcare documents. Furthermore, GNOMON implemented an XDS-based solution to facilitate the COVID-19 vaccination process as well provisioned the eHealthPass mobile application to allow citizens to generate and share the Digital Green Certificate. The latter has been piloted in two hospitals in Ireland. 

Also, GNOMON provides software and services in the forefront of the deepening social care crisis in Greece by empowering social care workers with apps and electronic aid tools that act as productivity multipliers. In alliance with NGOs such as Lifeline Hellas and industry leaders such as TUNSTALL and OMRON, GNOMON has deployed assisted living solutions (panic button, gps locators, and Bluetooth weight scales and blood pressure meters) in four municipalities providing coverage to 1000 senior citizens. A special Continua alliance-based internet gateway has been devised using open source tools and hardware (raspberry pi) to enable standards conformant operation in adverse conditions.

GNOMON has successfully participated in several integrated care PCP projects, such as DECIPHER PCP project, having successfully participated as a bidder proposing its openDecipher approach to Decipher specifications for mobile health. Gnomon’s openDecipher approach has been mapped to IHE and HL7 standards and specifications to ensure adoption and compliance to regional and European future regulations. Also, Gnomon has implemented the three phases of “Recovering life wellbeing through pain self-management techniques involving ICTs (Relief PCP)” project for Reseau Des Acheteurs Hospitaliers (GIP RESAH). In addition, Gnomon has led a consortium in the implementation of “Procuring innovative ICT for patient empowerment and self-management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (ProEmpower PCP)” project for the Ministry of Health in Turkey. Lastly, Gnomon SA, as leader of a consortium of 6 partners, is now implementing the Phase 2 of HSMonitor PCP project, which is the solution design for the provision of effective and efficient ICT-supported hypertension management. 

GNOMON also participates in the implementation of many European R&D projects such as Vicinity, Activage, Trillium II, Shapes, Unicom and Hedimed under the H2020 European Program. Gnomon leads the BlueHealthpass project under the Norway Grants, implementing a digital healthcare platform for the seafarers remote health management, and participates in the SITIES project under National and European funds, implementing a virtual smart assistant for the independent living of the elderly.  Finally, Gnomon implemented Covid 19 Vaccination Passport which is an emergency COVID-19 immunization workflow and process monitoring, for the Irish population.

Our vision is designing innovative ICT solutions to solve healthcare problems and empower people to have a better life quality by organizing their lives.

We are looking to collaborations around the following topics: 

  • Digital therapeutics
  • Clinical trials
  • Medical devices integration & metadata analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Standard based healthcare interoperability (HL7 FHIR)
  • Biomarkers & processing
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence methods (abnormality detection models)
  • Natural Language Processing & Understanding
  • Virtual assistants
  • RASA chatbot frameworks
  • Vocal/textual interfaces

Have suggestions or thoughts on these challenges? Share your ideas with us!

Contact info for collaborations: 


Alexander Berler

International Projects Leader & Head of consulting services


Apostolia Karabatea

IT Project Manager


Discover more about Gnomon Informatics:

Gnomon Informatics S.A. is an innovative company headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece. It provides solutions for patient empowerment and assisted independent living. History indicates a solid 25-year-old software engineering background, delivering important national & EU projects. GNOMON is the creator of eHealthPass, the patient centered platform that enables frictionless data flow across systems and clouds. Our company has the longstanding vision and inspiration to digitally transform healthcare, insurance and social care industries by unlocking the value of data and enabling the data economy.


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