When? 12 August 12:00 – 13:15 CET
Where? Online
Contributors from Wales and Scotland will share their experience, the approaches they have been using and discuss the expertise required to undertake evaluation in digital health and care. The speakers will also reflect on whether digital research & evaluation is really any different to evaluation in other contexts.
The Digital Health, Housing and Care Learning Network is supported by the Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Directorate.
Over the Summer, our team have been delivering a number of knowledge exchange sessions with colleagues from Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
The sessions provide opportunities for staff, who have an interest in how digital tools can be used to support service delivery in health, home and care settings, to exchange learning and experience.
Register and join us on 12th August 2022, at 11:00-12:15 UK time, for the next session, in which will discuss evaluation in digital health and care.
The session will be delivered on MS Teams. The Teams link to join the session will be sent following registration. The session will be recorded.
We have asked our contributors, from Wales and Scotland, to share their experience, the approaches they have been using, the expertise required to undertake evaluation in digital health and care and finally, to reflect on whether digital research & evaluation is really any different to evaluation in other contexts.
Gemma Johns, Head of Research, Technology Enabled Care, Cymru
Dr Helen Alexander, Evaluation Manager, NHS Lanarkshire and Scottish Government (for remote health monitoring evaluation).