Earlier this month, ECHAlliance took part in the second project meeting for the EUVECA project in beautiful Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The 2-day gathering included productive workshops and discussions regarding vocational and education excellence training for future Europe in relation to the project, and lots of inspiration was generated for the next phase of work.
For our line of work, this meeting represented the opportunity to continue to strengthen the link between the EUVECA and BeWell projects regarding what is related to the development of policy recommendations which can serve as valuable inputs to the application of the European Skills Pact.
With EUVECA’s intended in-depth skills needs analysis, scoping review, showcasing of good practice with respect to the regional vocational hubs, along with sector skills strategies and policy input, we feel that the work can be applied in practical ways to make an impact.
Besides the work, our Slovenian partners did an amazing job hosting, and we were grateful for the warm welcome and hospitality throughout!