Title: Capacity development for disease outbreak and epidemic response in sub-Saharan Africa, in collaboration with Africa CDC
Detail: The purpose of this Call for Proposals is to establish an African cohort of epidemiologists by supporting institutions in sub-Saharan Africa and Europe that provide master’s training in epidemiology and biostatistics, as part of the Africa CDC’s framework for public health workforce development. Master’s courses with practical field research experience is the preferable level of training as it is relatively short and likely to deliver the required numbers and high-quality fit-for-purpose calibre of personnel that are urgently needed in epidemic zones of sub-Saharan Africa
Deadline: 30th July 2020;
Title: Strategic actions to maximise the impact of research on reducing disease burden, in collaboration with development cooperation initiatives
Detail: The purpose of this call for proposals is to support distinct strategic actions which are part of a large-scale programme of development cooperation actions. Projects should focus on research to maximise the uptake of products and health interventions in sub-Saharan Africa. This may include actions to: enhance the uptake of research findings or products and interventions; provide evidence to translate findings into policy guidelines and clinical practice; improve implementation, delivery and roll-out of interventions to increase population coverage, acceptability and adherence; improve the monitoring of product safety post-marketing and surveillance; pragmatic clinical trials evaluating interventions under real-world clinical care settings. The projects should be implemented in conjunction with development cooperation initiatives that are supported by national and/or international development cooperation initiatives and/or other funders, including relevant WHO initiatives where appropriate
Deadline: 13th August 2020;