Following the success of the 10th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products held on 14 – 15 May 2020, Eurordis is pleased to inform you that the Executive Summary is now available online.
The interactive Executive Summary is a document compiled of the key takeaways from the conference, highlights from each theme, key facts and figures on the event itself, full list of committee members, as well as a snapshot of all keynote speakers and the three poster winners. Eurordis hopes that it provides you with a clear and concise overview of the event.
Eurordis believes that this document, open to the public, not only merits reading by yourselves but also deserves to be shared as broadly as possible to continue the momentum and build upon the outputs and recommendations linked to the Rare2030 foresight project. It outlines some key actions that you and your stakeholder groups can help to move forward and promote.